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ICTIS 2017

日期:2022-07-15 来源:本站 访问量:13815次

The 4th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2017)


August 8-10, 2017

The 4th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2017) was co-held with the 9th International Conference on Urban Traffic Safety, organized by the Office of Traffic Safety, City of Edmonton, Canada. The theme of ICTIS 2017 is “Transportation Information and Safety in Intelligent and Connected Environments”. Experts, scholars and practicing engineers of transportation systems are invited to the conference to discuss a broad range of topics related to the theories, technologies and applications of transportation information and safety technology. The conference shows international experiences in the research of multimodal transportation (including road, railway, navigation, aviation, and urban road) and development, and provide a platform for both domestic and overseas scholars and practicing engineers to exchange successful stories and share lessons learned in research and practice.

The conference received more than 300 academic abstracts from domestic and foreign countries. Finally the conference proceedings included a total of 198 papers from 13 countries and regions. All the accepted papers were published in the "Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety" and were indexed by EI.

The conference lasted three days. A total of five domestic and foreign experts made keynote speeches. On the second and third days, there were 22 technical sessions, consists of a total of 11 invited speeches and over 60 academic reports. The conference gives a good communication on transportation information and safety.


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